


时间:2015-06-04 11:22来源:未知 作者:y930712 点击:
55 auto-put-into device of reserve-source 备用电源自动投入装置 56 auto-recosing with self-synchronism 自同步重合闸 57 Auxiliary contacts 辅助触点 58 Auxiliary relay/intermediate re

55 auto-put-into device of reserve-source 备用电源自动投入装置
56 auto-recosing with self-synchronism 自同步重合闸
57 Auxiliary contacts 辅助触点
58 Auxiliary relay/intermediate relay 辅助继电器/中间继电器
59 B sampling function B样条函数
60 Back-spin timer 反转时间继电器
61 Back-up over-speed governor 附加超速保护装置
62 Back-up protection 后备保护
63 Back-up ssystem 后备继电保护
64 Biased differential relaying 极化差动继电保护系统
65 Bi-directional relay 双向继电器
66 Bi-stable 双稳态
67 Black-out area 停电区
68 Black-start 黑启动
69 Blinker 继电器吊牌
70 Bloching protection 闭锁式保护
71 Blocking relay 连锁继电器
72 Blocking signal 闭锁信号
73 Blow-out coil 灭弧线圈
74 Branch coefficient 分支系数
75 Breaker contact point 断路器触点
76 Breaker pount wrench 开关把手
77 Breaker trip coil 断路器跳闸线圈
78 Brushless excitation 无刷励磁
79 Buchholtz protecter 瓦斯保护
80 Bundle factor 分裂系数
81 Bundle-conductor spacer 分裂导线
82 Bus bar 母线;导电条
83 Bus bar current transformer 母线电流变压器
84 Bus bar disconnecting swich 分段母线隔离开关
85 Bus compartment 母线室;汇流条隔离室
86 Bus coupler CB 母联断路器
87 Bus duct 母线槽;母线管道
88 Bus hub 总线插座
89 Bus insulator 母线绝缘器
90 Bus line 汇流线
91 Bus protection(Bus-bar protection) 母线保护
92 Bus protective relay 母线保护继电器
93 Bus reactor 母线电抗器
94 Bus request cycle 总线请求周期
95 Bus rings 集电环
96 Bus rod 汇流母线
97 Bus section reactor 分段电抗器